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vendredi 18 novembre 2011



Warriors of jewellery design, the duo that is MoutonCollet evolves
with unmistakable eccentricity...

«Mad Safari» is dedicated to desert warriors, inspired by a universe
fi lled with sand dunes, hot sun and weapon wearing men.
Military decorations and rank medalians are referenced within
these «heavy-duty» pieces.

Introducing tie-dyed fabric scarves, a remix of the kaffi yeh, is worm
around the neck fi xed with a braided chain link. Accompanying
caps bring about a summery twist to classic MoutonCollet ideas.
Nude and grey leather is used in straps, holsters come pockets and
braided bracelets and chains. Fabric appears in versions of black,
light blue and white weaves, tiedyed with acids to a diluted eff ect.
Traditional MoutonCollet, a wicked use of refi ned craftsmanship...

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